Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Inner Freedom

There is yet another antique prayer method to be learned from the Spirit filled hermits. It's called Breath Prayer, a beautiful, simple, freeing prayer.
This is expereinced by constructing a basic one sentence prayer, including your favourite name for God and a subject (or something you want to ask for) i.e, comfort, humility, peace. Or, even more simply, any line from scripture. This is your Breath Prayer.
After trying to still your mind and get comfortable, allow this prayer to get in rhythm with your gentle breathing. Such as,

Whoever knows the Son (as you breath in)
Will be free indeed (as you breath out)


Creator God (as you breath in)
I need your freedom (as you breath out)

It almost becomes like a reflective chant. You could spend 5-10 minutes, or perhaps try and breathe it throughout the day.

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